Scientific name: Calocera viscosa (Pers.) Fr.
Derivation of name: Calo means "beautiful" and cera
means "horn." Visc- means "viscid" or "sticky." Some
guides indicate the fruitbody can be slimy.
Synonyms: Clavaria viscosa Pers.
Common name(s): Yellow tuning fork; Yellow false coral;
Yellow staghorn fungus..
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Dacrymycetales
Family: Dacrymycetaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic; several to many
on dead conifer logs and stumps; August through November.
Dimensions: fruitbodies are 3-10 cm tall.
Description: This branched, yellow to yellow-orange fungus
arises from a common base. The upper branches are usually
Comments: Its tough, gelatinous texture distinguishes it from
coral fungi which are brittle and easily broken.
More information at

Figure 1. Calocera viscosa growing on wood.
Photo © Dianna Smith.

Figure 2. Specimen collected during a NEMF foray. Note
how the terminal branches are typically forked.
Photo © Gary Emberger.