Scientific name: Leotia viscosa Fr.
Derivation of name: Leot- means "smooth." Visc- means
"sticky" or viscid in reference to the stickiness of this smooth
fungus when moist.
Synonyms: See comments.
Common name(s): Green-headed jelly club.
Phylum: Ascomycota
Order: Helotiales
Family: Leotiaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic; in clusters on the
ground and well-decayed wood; July through October.
Dimensions: Green-headed jelly club may be up to 6.5 cm tall
with a well-defined head.
Description: The olive-green to dark green head is distinctive
together with the pale yellow to yellow-orange stalk. These
fungi are rubbery or gelatinous in texture.
Comments: Leotia viscosa is considered by some authors
to be a synonym of Leotia lubrica. But see comments under
L. lubrica.
More information at

Figure 1. Although called jelly fungi, these organisms are
ascomycetes, forming asci and ascospores unlike the true
jelly fungi which are basidiomycetes.
Photo © Pam Kaminski.

Figure 2. Leotia viscosa collected during a
Photo © Gary Emberger.