Scientific name: Baeospora myriadophylla (Peck) Singer
Derivation of name: Myri- means "countless,"
phyll- means " leaf," or in this sense, "gills" in reference
to the many, crowded gills.
Synonyms: Agaricus myriadophyllus Peck
Common name(s): Lavender Baeospora.
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Agaricales
Family: Marasmiaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic;several to
clustered on decaying conifer and hardwoods, especially
hemlock; June through October.
Dimensions: Caps 1-4 cm wide; stipe 1-5 cm long
mm thick.
Cap: Moist, smooth; lavender when young, fading to
brownish-lavender and finally ochre-brown to pale buff.
Gills: Attached, nearly free in age; close to crowded;
lavender at first, becoming tinged ochre-brown.
Spore print:White.
Stipe: Dry, smooth with long hairs at the base; lavender,
becoming somewhat brownish.
Veil: Absent.
Comments: The overall lavender color (when young),
crowded gills, and growth on rotting wood give this
small mushroom are a
distinctive combination of traits.

Figure 1. Everything about this mushroom is lavender
young. Photo © Steve Nelsen.

Figure 2. Note the crowded gills.
Photo © Steve
Figure 3. With age, the cap undergoes a striking loss of
color. Photo © Steve Nelsen.