Scientific name: Pholiota flammans (Batsch)
P. Kumm.
Derivation of name: Phol- means "scale" referring to the
scaly caps of many species in the genus. Flamme means
Synonyms: Agaricus flammans Batsch
Common name(s): Yellow Pholiota, flaming Pholiota.
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Agaricales
Family: Strophariaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic;
solitary or in
small cespitose clusters on conifer logs and stumps and
wood; August through October.
Dimensions: Caps 3-10 cm wide; stipes 5-12 cm long
and 5-10 mm thick.
Cap: Sticky to slippery; bright yellow
surface covered with
bright yellow, downcurled, fibrous scales.
Gills: Attached; bright yellow at first, edges staining brown
where bruised.
Spore print: Rusty brown..
Stipe: Dry; bright yellow; silky above ring and densely
scaly below the ring zone.
Veil: Yellow; leaving evanescent ring or
zone of fibers on
the upper stalk.
Comments: When young, this brilliant yellow, shaggy
species is distinctive. However, as Michael Kuo comments
in the site below, the species is not often found in such
pristine condition. Kuo also makes the point that
there is
usually enough uncertainty due to age, variable and
overlapping traits, and weather conditions, that microscopic
analysis may be required to confirm identifications for this
most Pholiota species.
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Figure 1. Pholiota flammans in its full, yellow splendor.
Photo © George Barrron.

2. Note the veil remnants hanging from the margin
of the cap.
Photo © John
Plischke III.

Figure 3. Older, and perhaps, more typical specimens.
Photo © William Roody.