Tricholomopsis rutilans

Scientific name:  Tricholomopsis rutilans (Schaeff.)
Derivation of nameTrich- means "hair" and lom refers to
a "fringe" or "hem." opsis means the species "looks like" a
member of the genus Tricoloma. Rutil- means "ruddy" or
"warm red,"referring to the cap coloration.
Synonyms:  Tricholoma rutilans (Schaff.) P. Kumm.
Common name(s):  Plums and custard; Variegated
Tricholomopsis; Variegated mop.
Phylum:   Basidiomycota
Order:   Agaricales
Family:  Tricholomataceae
Occurrence on wood substrate:  Saprobic; solitary or in
clusters on and around decaying conifer wood;  May through
Dimensions:  Caps 5-12 cm wide; stipes 4-10 cm long and 1-
2.5 cm thick.   
Cap: Red to purplish-red to yellowish-brown scales and fibers
over a yellowish ground color; dry.  
Gills: Attached; yellow.
Spore print: White.
Stipe: Colored like the cap.
Veil: Absent.
Comments: Pine wood is a common substrate.   

Figure 1. Tricholomopsis rutilans. Photo © John
Plischke III.

Figure 2. Can you see why it's called plums and custard?
Photo © William Roody.

Figure 3. An older specimen brought in during a foray. As
the mushroom matures, the purplish-red fibers of the
young caps are separated, revealing the yellow color of
the underlying flesh. Photo © Gary Emberger.


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