Scientific name: Cerrena unicolor (Bull.) Murrill
Derivation of name: Cerrena is from an Italian fungus
name; unicolor means "of one color."
Synonymy: Daedalea unicolor Bull.:Fr.
Common names: Mossy maze polypore.
Dr. Don Davis
(personal communication) suggests that
mossy maze
polypore is a misnomer since moss is rarely found on the
caps of this fungus. Algae
is much more frequent. Perhaps
a better common name for
this species is "algae-topped
maze polypore" or something similar.
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Polyporales
Family: Polyporaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Parasitic or saprobic;
forming overlapping clusters most often on deciduous trees,
stumps, and logs; year-round.
Dimensions: Caps are 0.5-10 cm wide.
Upper surface: White to grayish or grayish-brown;
densely hairy; zonate; often algae-covered.
Pore surface: White to smoky; typically becoming maze-
like to tooth-like.
Comments: Cerrena unicolor may be sessile, effused-
reflexed or rarely almost entirely resupinate on horizontal
surfaces. If cut or torn, a thin black zone (appearing as
a line) separates the flesh of the cap from the surface.
There is a remarkable relationship between this
fungus and two wasp species.
Information on this
relationship is available at the website below.
More information at

Figure 1. Overlapping caps of mossy maze polypore with
algae-covered caps. Photo © Tom Volk.

Figure 2. A young specimen with brownish cap and without
Photo © Gary Emberger.

Figure 3. These herbarium specimens don't look a lot
from mature living specimens or from dead
specimens in the field.
Photo © Gary Emberger.

Figure 4. Note the conspicuous pubescence, green algae, and
zonate appearance of this cap. Photo © Gary Emberger.

Figure 5. The pores quickly become maze or tooth-like.
Photo © Gary Emberger.

Figure 6. This Cerrena unicolor specimen was collected
during a NEMF
foray. The green algae-covered caps are
not unusual but the orange-colored pore surfaces are. An
orange-colored ascomycete fungus, Hypomyces aurantius,
is responsible. See Figure 7. Photo © Gary Emberger.

Figure 7. The orange (and whitish) mycelium of Hypomyces
covers most of the pore surface. The fungus is
considered a facultative saprotroph, meaning that it can exist
as a saprotroph or parasite. It is found on a variety of agaric
and polypore species and on wood and decaying litter.
Photo © Gary Emberger.