Scientific name: Polyporus umbellatus (Pers.) Fr.
Derivation of name: Polyporus means "many pored."
Umbellatus means "with umbrellas."
Synonymy: Grifola umbellata (Pers.) Pilat;
Dendropolyporus umbellatus (Pers.)
Common names: Umbrella polypore.
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Polyporales
Family: Polyporaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Parasitic and saprobic
on roots of hardwoods, buried wood;
appearing as
compound clusters
of numerous, circular caps -
fruiting on
the ground,
hardwood stumps, and trees;
May through October.
Dimensions: Overall size up to 50 cm wide; individual
caps 1-4 cm wide; basal stalk 2.5-7.5 cm long and
2-3 cm thick.
Upper surface: Caps are whitish to ochre to pale brown;
depressed in the center; dry, fibrous to smooth.
Pore surface: Whitish, becoming yellowish; decurrent;
pores 1-3 per
Comments: The thick basal stalk arises from a blackish,
buried sclerotium (tuber-like structure). The stalk becomes
richly branched above ground such that each cap is
centrally stalked. Fruitbodies may appear over many years
in the same location.
More information at

Figure 1. Polyporus umbellatus as it might appear on the
forest floor.
Photo © Steve Nelsen.
Figure 2. A young specimen of umbrella polypore. The
white stalks are easily visible between the
caps which are
not fully expanded.
Photo © John Plischke III.

Figure 3. A specimen with caps lighter in color than the
specimens in Figures 1 and 2.
Although Polyporus
umbellatus appears
terrestrial, it is associated with wood -
usually attached to
the roots of a tree.Photo © Chris Snyder.

Figure 4.
This specimen, brought to the collection
tables at a
NEMF foray, was placed on the grass in order
to take the
picture. Note the depressed caps. Photo © Gary Emberger.

Figure 5. The underside of the specimen shown in Figure 4.
Photo © Gary Emberger.

Figure 6. Each cap is centrally stipitate. The white
pores are
decurrent on the stalks. Photo © Gary Emberger.