Scientific name: Porodisculus pendulus (Fr.) Murrill
Derivation of name: Porodisculus is the diminutive of
Porodiscus which means "a little, poroid disk"; pendulus means
"hanging down."
Synonyms: Polyporus pocula (Schw.) Berk. & Curt.; Peziza
pendula Schw.
Common name(s): Pendulous-disc polypore.
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Polyporales
Family: Polyporaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic; solitary but
occurring in large numbers on freshly dead deciduous branches
and logging slash.
Dimensions: Fruitbodies 1-5 mm wide, pendent from a stalk-
like base 3-5 mm long; August through October.
Upper surface: Whitish to brown; hairy.
Pore surface: Whitish or brownish; pores minute, 8-10 per mm.
Comments: This is the smallest polypore species. The
Peziza pendula Schw. was published in 1822 and is a
reflective of an ascomycete cup fungus!
Figure 1. Porodisculus pendulus
on a small twig. Note the
pendulous habit and stalk-like base. Photo © Gary

Figure 2. The twig in Figure 1 is turned to reveal the
cup-like fruitbodies. Photo © Gary

Figure 3. By getting really close, you can see the
the pore surface. Photo © Gary

Figure 4. This is a small polypore, not even 3 mm wide.
Photo © Gary Emberger.