Scientific name: Hericium erinaceus (Bull.) Pers.
Derivation of name: Hericius means "hedgehog." Erinace-
pertains to the prickly European hedgehog, Erinaceus
Synonyms: Hydnum erinaceus Bull.
Common name(s): Satyr's beard; Lion's mane; Hedgehog
mushroom; Bearded tooth.
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Russulales
Family: Hericiaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic and parasitic; often
solitary on living trunks of deciduous trees or on fallen logs;
August through November.
Dimensions: Fruit body 10-25 cm wide and high; individual
spines 2-7 cm long.
Description: A whitish (becoming yellowish in age) mass of
hanging spines resembing a
beard. The fruit body and spines are
Comments: Culitivated varieties of this mushroom are sold as
"Pom Poms."
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1. Hericium erinaceus. The spines are attached
to a short, tough, rooting base. Photo © William Roody.

Figure 2. Another view of bearded tooth. Photo © Larry

Figure 3. The cut ends of logs and branches are a
common location for Hericium erinaceus.
Photo © Gary Emberger.