Scientific name: Steccherinum ochraceum (Pers.)
Derivation of name: Ochrac- means "orange-yellow" (ochre),
in reference to the common color of this fungus.
Synonyms: Hydnum ochraceum Pers.
Common name(s): Ochre spreading tooth.
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Polyporales
Family: Phanerochaetaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic; forming a
spreading crustlike mass with projecting caps (effused-
reflexed) or sometimes completely resupinate; June through
November, found year-round.
Dimensions: Caps 0.3-4.5 cm wide and 0.3-1.5 cm long
from a spreading crustlike base.
Description: The orange-yellow or ochre-colored caps of
this fungus have a whitish margin. The caps are often hairy,
zoned and may occur in overlapping clusters. The
undersurfaces of the caps and the crustlike resupinate
portions are covered by ochre-colored spines up to 1.5 mm
long and often forked at their tips.
Comments: Identification is more certain when both caps
and crustlike spreading portions are present.
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Figure 1.
Effused-reflexed specimen of Steccherinum
ochraceum. Photo © Gary Emberger.

Figure 2. Another specimen of Steccherinum
ochraceum. Photo © Gary Emberger.

Figure 3.
This specimen does not have as many caps as the
specimens in Figures 1 and 2. Note the white growing
margins in
both specimens. Photo © Steve Nelsen.

Figure 4. Close examination of the surface reveals the
of tiny spines.
Photo © Gary Emberger.

Figure 5.
A close view of the spines shows that many of them
are forked at the tips. Photo © Gary Emberger.