Openings for Professionals

Openings for Professionals

Professionals in the area of Engineering, Business, Computer Science, Education, Marketing, Information Technology, and Manufacturing are needed and invaluable assets to our Collaboratory projects!  While we are always looking for people who bring specific skills, we believe anyone who has a heart to serve the Kingdom of God and accomplish good things for the Kingdom can contribute.

Please look at the Our Projects page to see the projects currently going on in the Collaboratory.

If you know where you might be able to be of assistance, would like to hear more about the Collaboratory, or just want to speak to someone rather than read a website, please don’t hesitate to contact Dereck Plante.

Project Reviewers

Each project has 90-minute review meetings that happen once or twice a semester.  These meetings provide an opportunity for the student team to present on their work and receive honest feedback and advice from professionals.

Project Consultants

Every project we have is always in need of people with more expertise.  Many of our projects are researching new techniques to accomplish something that has never been down before.  If you have specific skills and are willing to share your knowledge chances are there is way you can help in the Collaboratory.