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Dr. Joy Elizabeth Meade

Assistant Professor of Music, Director of Choral Activities

Interest and areas of expertise

University of Richmond, B.A. in voice performance and French
Westminster Choir College, M.M. in choral conducting
University of Georgia, D.M.A. in conducting

Classes I teach

Concert Choir

Chamber Singers

Choral Arts Society

Conducting II

Voice and Conducting lessons

Graduate Conducting Program


Dr. Joy Elizabeth Meade is the Director of Choral Activities and an Assistant Professor of Music at Messiah College, where she conducts Concert Choir, Chamber Singers and Choral Arts Society. These choirs tour nationally and internationally and perform regularly on campus, in the community and collaborate with the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra. Dr. Meade also teaches undergraduate and graduate choral conducting at Messiah, as well as applied voice. Prior to her recent appointment at Messiah College, Dr. Meade was the Associate Director of Choirs at Georgia State University in Atlanta. There, she was the recipient of the 2018 Center for International and Collaborative Arts grant and also started a permanent collaboration and graduate assistant opportunity between Georgia State's choral department and the Atlanta Homeward Choir. Prior to earning her doctorate in conducting at the University of Georgia with Dr. Daniel Bara, Dr. Meade worked as a public school educator in the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District, teaching choir and orchestra. She earned her masters of music in choral conducting from Westminster Choir College, where she had the opportunity to sing under the batons of the finest maestros in the world. She continues to perform regularly as a professional choral singer and soloist, as well as serve as a clinician and adjudicator at high schools, universities and festivals on the East Coast.