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Roxanne Dixon

Adjunct Instructor

Interest and areas of expertise

Music education, student creativity & curiosity


B.Ph. in Interdisciplinary Studies & B.M. in Music Performance, Miami University (OH)
M.ME. Orff Schulwerk Concentration, University of St. Thomas (MN)

Classes I teach

Curriculum & Instruction: K-5 Music
Psychology of Music


Roxanne Dixon has more than 20 years experience teaching public school K-8 general and vocal music. Her professional education includes training in the Orff Schulwerk Approach, the Kodaly Concept, Dalcroze Education, and teaching children's choirs.

Roxanne works with music and general education teachers to help them cultivate students' curiosity, nurture observation and creative thinking, and joyfully empower them through engaging with the world, the arts, and one another. Roxanne is an active writer and editor. She currently serves on the editorial board of The Orff Echo.