Christmas Communicates Music of Hope

Christmas Communicates Music of Hope

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Throughout the year, people can turn on the radio and confidently expect to find a breakup song or two. For months, ego-boosting songs like Meghan Trainor’s “No” and Daya’s “Sit Still, Look Pretty” instill deep self-confidence over heartbreak within the listener. But for at least one month of the year, the entire melodic focus switches. Instead of hearing the songs of the downtrodden or intentionally hardened, listeners’ ears fill with songs of hope and joy.

Because Christmas music is like none other.

Christmas hymns and Christian tunes instill a sense of hope at the coming of the Savior. Sanctuaries and cars alike fill with phrases like “Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel!” and “Sing choirs of angels, sing in exultation.” All around, the message of hope and the call to loudly proclaim the coming savior abound. Joy infuses the air because even the secular radio stations pick up ancient, triumphant hymns.

But even the love songs ring with hope. They don’t portray visions of dangerous or broken infatuation, rather they instill the image of fun, playful, joy-filled love. All I Want for Christmas is You represents one of the most popular holiday-themed love songs. Part of the chorus reads: “I won’t ask for much this Christmas; I won’t even wish for snow, and I just wanna keep on waiting underneath the mistletoe.” The upbeat, jingly tune and innocent lyrics emphasize the fun of relationships instead of the unhealthy aspects most songs capitalize on.

Why do most people love Christmas? Why does every store entice customers inside by blasting carols and popular snow-filled melodies? Because Christmas music means hope and joy. It means respite from often degrading and sometimes vulgar music played throughout the year.

Christmas music communicates the unique message of pure joy to a world in desperate need of it. The Christmas music symbolizes the music of hope.

-Miriam Thurber '19