
Students plantingMessiah College nurtures and supports creation care as an integral part of its vision. In a world that praises instant gratification, competition and materialism, one of the first steps towards these counter-cultural practices includes recognizing our environmental, societal and health impacts on communities locally, nationally and internationally. Everything and everyone is truly connected.

Therefore, sustainability initiatives launched on campus often have a local, regional and global impact. Students take their passion for gardening from a quarter-acre plot on-campus to a large organic garden in the hills of Italy. They apply what they’ve learned about solar energy to build and implement renewable energy systems in third world countries. And their plant propagation coursework equips them to assist a central Pennsylvania builder with implementing a rain garden stormwater system.

And, never underestimate the personal impact of such projects. Students and employees who intersect with Messiah’s sustainability initiatives most certainly find their faith challenged and strengthened!