100% of the Class of 2023 Business survey respondents were employed or in graduate school within 6-9 months of graduation.
Check-out what our grads are up to
filter listing
Where they work
- ACE Group
- ADVISORport Operations
- ASAP Screenprints
- Abt Associates
- Action Lacrosse
- Archipelago Learning
- Arther F. Bell
- Automotive Resources International
- BCT Partners
- Backcountry.com
- Bullseye Database Marketing
- Bureau of Commonwealth Payroll Operations
- Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corporation
- Capital Region Economic Development Corp.
- Cayuga Medic
- Chatham Financial
- Clark Associates
- Coldwell Banker
- Collegiate Advisors
- Compass Languages
- Corporate Executive Board
- Croatan Investments
- Cutting Edge Media
- Deloitte
- Denise Wright CPA
- Eddy Food
- Enhancing Capital
- Envoy Capital Advisors
- Ernst & Young
- Exel Logistics
- FedEx
- Fidelity
- Florida Hospital College
- Fulton Bank
- Gannett Fleming
- Gateway Realty
- Godfrey Advertising
- Goldman Sachs
- Gugenheim Investments
- HOPE International
- Hamilton & Musser
- Harrisburg Regional Chamber
- Hershey Entertainment & Resorts
- Hershey Entertainment and Resorts
- Hershey Foods
- Hershey Trust
- Inc.
- International Business Machines Corporation
- JP. Morgan
- Johnson & Johnson
- Jos. A. Bank Clothiers
- Journal Publications
- Jr. & Associates
- Keystone Custom Homes
- Lanco Fieldhouse
- Leer Electric
- Lifeguide Financial
- Manning Materials
- Martin's Famous Pastry Shoppe
- McKonley & Asbusy
- Meltwater News
- Mennonite Financial Federal Credit Union
- Messiah University
- Microsoft
- Mid Penn Bank
- Mitchell Emert & Hill
- National Food Sales
- OBC Northwest
- Old Cornerstone Financial
- PC
- ParenteBeard
- Pay Pal
- Penn National Insurance Company
- Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System
- Petway Mills & Pearson
- Pratt and Whitney
- Reinsel Kuntz Lesher
- SEI Investments
- Salt n Light Youth Ministries
- Sawyer Products
- Select Medical
- Tamarind International/Bridal Affairs
- The Hershey Company
- The Walt Disney Company
- Tyco Electronics
- U.S. Bank Asset Management
- United Nations
- United States Marine Corps
- Univest National Bank
- Vanguard
- WORC / 10th Presby. Church Global Gospel Mission
- WebFX
- West Macy's
- World Vision US
- andCulture
What they do
- Accounts receivable associate
- Analyst
- Assistant digital producer
- Associate Finance & Contract Administrator
- Associate manager of digital content and social engagement
- Audit assistant
- Audit staff
- Banking associate
- Billing support
- Brand manager
- Business Consultant
- Business manager
- Certified public accountant
- Consultant
- Corporate Actions
- Corporate Banking Analyst
- Credit analyst
- Customer Service Specialist
- Customer support team leader
- Customs Trade Coordinator
- Digital marketing specialist
- Director of Marketing and Business
- Director of college services
- Director of communications
- Director of marketing
- Disney Vacation Club Financial Associate
- Enrollment Advisor
- Event coordinator
- Executive Assistant
- Finance & Accounting Assistant
- Financial Analyst
- Financial advisor
- Financial analyst
- Financial paraplanner
- Financial specialist
- Fiscal Assistant
- Fleet Administration Coordinator
- Franchise owner
- Fraud examiner
- General Manager
- Grad student
- HR/Accounting Assistant
- Human Resource Support
- Imports specialist
- Inside sales
- Insurance rater
- Integrated marketing coordinator
- International Coordinator
- International Sales
- Internet marketing consultant
- Investment Advisor
- Investment performance analyst
- Investment professional
- Junior Analyst
- KIZ Specialist
- Loan Officer
- Logistics Coordinator
- Logistics Coordinator - Intl/Domestic
- Management trainee
- Manager
- Managing partner
- Marketing and Business manager
- Marketing communications specialist
- Media buyer
- Member Services Coordinator
- Merchandise Programmer
- Merchandisers
- Microfinancer
- Middle East division manager
- Mortgage Loan Processor
- Office manager
- Press secretary
- Professional Financial Analyst
- Program Associate
- Program Director
- Program assistant
- Project Manager
- Purchasing Assistant
- Real estate agent
- Reconciliation Analyst
- Regional operations coordinator
- Resolution services associate
- Sales Associate
- Sales Representative
- Sales Support Representative
- Sales manager
- Sales representative
- Sales specialist
- Senior accountant
- Senior investment analyst
- Social media specialist
- Staff Accountant
- Staff accountant
- Tax preparer
- Transportation Planner
- U.S. Marine Corps Officer
Graduate school
- American University
- College America
- Drexel University
- Fuller University
- George Mason University
- George Washington University
- Liberty University
- MSC Paris
- Mt. St. Mary's University
- New York University
- Penn State University
- Regent University
- Regent University Law School
- St. Joseph's University
- St. Joseph’s University
- Temple University
- University of Baltimore
- University of Milan
- University of Pennsylvania
- Villanova Law School
- Villanova University
- West Chester University
- Xiamen University
