Housing Sign Up Information

Housing Contracts & PIN numbers

Sign your Housing Contract

Beginning March 6 - please read & sign your housing contract on The NestAll students must sign a housing contract even RAs, those living off-campus and those studying abroad.  Read the entire contract to understand what you are agreeing to.  The housing contract contains important information related to rights & responsibilities, residence openings/closings, etc. If you have a hold on your account The Nest will not allow you to sign your contract. You will want to contact Student Financial Services about your account.

Your credits will not be adjusted on The Nest until March 6 when you sign your housing contract.

Receive Notice of PIN Number, Room Selection Time & Credit Hour Confirmation 

Once your housing contract is signed, the Nest survey completed, your emergency contact information is up to date, and you have answered a question regarding insurance, you will be able to see your PIN Number, Room Selection Time, and Credit Hour confirmation on your Profile tab of the Nest.  Any AP/CLEP Credits you have will not be included in your Credit Hour total.  

The credit hour system is in place to be equitable for all students.   Students who choose to manipulate the process to gain an unfair advantage will be subject to student disciplinary procedures and will automatically lose their chosen housing assignment.  Manipulation includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Signing up for a room with a person that you do not intend to live with in order to reserve rooms for your friends on the floor.
  2. Giving more than one group your credit number and PIN for apartment sign-ups
  3. Signing up for an apartment, then signing up for a residence hall room