Information Found in Other Publications

Medical Leave of Absence

Initiation of Request for Medical Leave of Absence

A student requesting medical leave of absence due to serious physical or psychological illness must first contact the Director of Counseling and Health Services. The Director or his/her designee will notify the Registrar of the request and will direct the student to provide appropriate documentation from a physician, therapist or other qualified caregiver.

Determination of Request

Approval of the medical leave request will be determined by the Dean of Students and the Academic Dean upon the recommendation of the Director of Counseling and Health Services. The Director will provide a copy of the recommendation to the Registrar and the Deans will notify the Registrar of their decision.

The Registrar will notify appropriate offices on campus of the student’s status and send a copy of the decision to the student for his or her records.

Students requesting Medical Leave of Absence need to be aware that Leave of Absence status exists largely to assist the student with non-financial aid related issues, such as remaining on the parent's medical insurance plan while on Leave of Absence.  From a financial aid standpoint, Leave of Absence status must be treated as a withdrawal and the student's financial aid will be adjusted accordingly.  See the Return of Title IV Funds/Institutional Refund Policy section of this booklet for more information on this process.