Now Hiring!
Would you like a free meal? Stretch those Dining Dollars and build that resumé. Come work for us!
Click here or email dining@messiah.edu for more info!

We are offering the Dining Dollars meal plan and various ala Carte meal plans for the 2024-2025 academic year. The Dining Dollars meal plan is required for all students living in traditional housing. The ala Carte meal plans are designed for students who are living in campus apartments, satellite housing, or are commuting. For those eligible to select the ala Carte plan, you may choose from five levels. You may make your selection in The Nest or contact Dining Services at dining@messiah.edu.
Please click on a question for information regarding the meal plan:
Students living in traditional housing (dorm residence) are required to purchase the Dining Dollars Meal Plan. Students who commute, live in apartments or satellite housing will have the option to purchase the Dining Dollars meal plan or the ala Carte plan via The Nest on the Messiah University Portal. If they choose to not purchase a meal plan, they have the option to put Falcon Dollars on their ID card or pay with cash or credit card.
The Dining Dollars meal plan has two components associated with it: the Dining Services Operations Charge and a declining balance account named Dining Dollars. The Operations Charge covers the primary operational costs for Dining Services and the college. The Dining Dollars portion is used to make actual meal purchases each day in our restaurants. With the meal plan, you receive a 52% discount on purchases in the Lottie Nelson Dining Hall, and a 30% discount in the Union Café, The Falcon, Café Diem, Café @ Winding Hill and the Falcon Hut. (The discount does not include vending machine purchases. There is a $75 Dining Dollars spend limit per semester for use in the vending machines.)
Dining Dollars account balances of up to $100 will carry over from fall semester to the spring semester. At the end of the academic year, a maximum of $200 remaining Dining Dollars ($100 per semester) will be transferred and credited to the student's billing account. In the case where a housing adjustment is made at the end of the fall semester that would no longer require a student to have the meal plan for the spring semester, up to $100 (fall semester only) Dining Dollars will be transferred and credited to the student's billing account after the fall semester.
Ala Carte:
Dining Dollars:
(2024-2025 operations charge rate)
Ala Carte:
Dining Dollars:
$2,900/semester 2024-2025
(Amount includes operations charge)
Ala Carte:
Dining Dollars:
$1,145 Dining Dollars/semester 2024-2025
Ala Carte:
Any Messiah University student who is living in a Campus Apartment, Satellite Housing or is a Commuter
Dining Dollars:
All students are eligible. Those in Traditional Housing are required to purchase the Dining Dollars meal plan.
Ala Carte:
- 10% discount
Dining Dollars:
- 52% discount in Lottie Nelson Dining Hall
- 30% discount in all other campus restaurants
NOTE: Discount not available on vending
Ala Carte:
- Lottie Nelson Dining Hall
- Union Café
- The Falcon
- Café Diem
- Falcon Hut
- Café @ Winding Hill
- Vending - discount does not apply
Dining Dollars:
- Lottie Nelson Dining Hall
- Union Café
- The Falcon
- Café Diem
- Falcon Hut
- Café @ Winding Hill
- Vending - discount does not apply
Ala Carte:
No; a new meal plan may be purchased. There may be a processing fee incurred if more than two meal plans are purchased per semester.
Dining Dollars:
Yes; Dining Dollars may be added at the Falcon Exchange Office or through the VTS machines.
If you desire to have every available meal (including holiday breaks that Lottie is open!), you will need approximately $354 additional DD. While, historically, 82% of our students do not require additional DD, zero have eaten every single meal that Lottie offers. Questions?? Contact dining@messiah.edu for more information.
Ala Carte:
Dining Dollars:
Dining Dollars account balances of up to $100 will carry over from fall semester to the spring semester for the 2024-2025 academic year. At the end of the academic year, a maximum of $200 remaining Dining Dollars ($100 per semester) will be transferred and credited to the student’s billing account.
Ala Carte:
Balances can be found on receipts, the Falcon Link or at the Falcon Exchange
Dining Dollars:
Balances can be found on receipts, the Falcon Link or at the Falcon Exchange
Ala Carte:
Yes; funds are not activated for use until the student is in registered status
Dining Dollars:
Yes; funds are not activated for use until the student is in registered status
Yes; you may purchase a Dining Dollars Meal Plan or an ala Carte meal plan. With the ala Carte Meal Plan, you will receive a 10% discount on all dining purchases.
Select from various levels:
- $150 ala Carte Meal Plan
- $250 ala Carte Meal Plan
- $500 ala Carte Meal Plan
- $750 ala Carte Meal Plan
- $1000 ala Carte Meal Plan
Make your selection on The Nest prior to the semester. After the semester has started, please contact the dining office at dining@messiah.edu. Running low on your first meal plan? Contact Dining to add another one for the semester! Please note, a processing fee may be applied if more than two meal plans are purchased per semester.
Additional Information:
For more information: 2024-2025 Meal Plan FAQ Sheet
New information regarding: 2024-2025 Lottie Nelson Pricing
Cancellation/Agreement Adjustments: 2024-2025 Meal Plan Agreement Form