Resident Assistant (RA) Selection

Resident Assistant (RA) Selection Information

Be an RA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What requirements are unique to the RA role that differs from other student leader positions at Messiah? 

A: We have two specific requirements that are unique to the RA role. First, since RAs are asked to support the spiritual growth of their residents, we do ask that all RAs have an active Christian faith. Secondly, since Messiah's housing is gender specific, RAs must share the same gender as their assigned residential area including the use of pronouns to match their assigned area. This makes gender identity a Bona Fide Occupational Qualification. For more information about either of these requirements, we encourage you to reach out to your Residence Life Educator. 

Q: What are the perks of being an RA?

A: Lots of things! RAs receive free room (valued at approximately $6,100), a stipend totaling $350, and have the option of earning their ELI credit through the RA experience. RAs also receive professional development and personal investment from their RLE and fellow RAs. RAs do significant and satisfying work, getting to use their God-given gifts to serve others on campus. RAs benefit from the personal growth that comes with working on a team, and are often able to transfer their RA experience to their future career endeavors.

Q: What does the application and interview process look like?

A: The RA Application went live on November 1st. Applications and references are due Monday January 20th, 2025, at 11:59pm. Following application submission, applicants will be individually interviewed by two Residence Life Educators between February 10 – February 20, 2025. Interview signup information will be available via email by January 31st. Following the completion of all individual interviews there will be group interviews, called Carousel Nights, held on Tuesday, February 27th and Wednesday, 28th from 7pm-9pm. Each applicant will be assigned to attend one of those two nights via email that will be sent on February 13th, 2025. Lastly, decisions letters will be sent via email on Wednesday, March 5th, 2025.

Q: Can I apply if I don’t meet the GPA qualifications?

A: You may apply. We will factor in how close your GPA is to our requirement of 2.5 and your specific circumstances into determining if we are able to consider you for a position. If you’d like to talk to us about your specific situation, please email Annastasia Bonczyk, Director of Residence Life at You can also stop by the Housing and Residence Life Office in Eisenhower.

Q: Where can I go if I have more questions?

A: You can always contact your RA or Residence Life Educator with additional questions you may have about the RA role or application process. Our Residence Life Office, located in Eisenhower Campus Center, is also open weekdays from 8am to 5pm for you to drop in with questions. Questions can also be directed to our office email at

Q: If I transfer into Messiah in the Spring of 2025 can I still apply to be an RA?

A: Yes! We require students to complete a semester at Messiah before they start serving as an RA so you will be good to go!

Q: What do I do if I am studying abroad in Spring 2025 and want to be an RA next year?

A: Submit your application and make sure your references are in by December 1, 2024. Interviews will be scheduled before the end of the semester. Candidates who complete this process will still receive an email with our decision on March 5, 2025.

Resident Assistant Selection Timeline beginning November 2024

*Note, students doing a Spring semester away program can apply by December 1st and interview before the semester ends.

  • Friday, November 1 - New RA applications available online
  • Tuesday, November 12 - First RA Info Night @ 9:30 p.m. in Boyer 131
  • Sunday, December 1 - Abroad RA Application Due @ 11:59 p.m.
  • Sunday, December 1 - Returning RA applications available online. Use your Messiah login information to sign in and fill out the application. You will need to send your references the link given in the application.
  • Tuesday, December 3 - RA Info Night @ 5:00 p.m. in Boyer 131
  • Monday, December 9 - Friday, December 13 - Applicant Interviews for those going abroad
  • Sunday, January 5 - Returning RA application due by 11:59 p.m.
  • Thursday January 9 - Returning RA Interviews
  • Thursday, January 16  - RA Info Meeting @ 4:30 p.m. in TBD
  • Monday, January 20 - New RA applications and references due 11:59 p.m.
  • Monday, February 10- Thursday, February 20 - RA Candidate Interviews
  • By Thursday, February 14 – Applicants are emailed information confirming their Carousel Night date and additional helpful information.
  • Tuesday, February 25 - Carousel Night #1 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. All Candidates are required to attend one of the Carousel Nights.                            
  • Wednesday, February 26 - Carousel Night #2 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. All candidates are required to attend one of the Carousel Nights.
  • Wednesday, March 5 - Candidates will be notified of the official decision via email after noon.
  • Monday, March 17 - Deadline to accept position offers.
  • April TBD - RA Passing The Torch