Honors Events are a series of cultural and academic events that are an integral part of the Honors Program curriculum. Events offer an array of presentations, lectures, films, theater, musical opportunities, field trips, etc.

All Honors Program participants are required to attend two Honors events each semester they are on enrolled as a full-time student on the Mechanicsburg campus. Thus, students who graduate after four years and who stay on campus the whole time will end up attending eight semesters of Honors events by the time they graduate. But students who will be graduating early and/or studying abroad will not end up attending eight semesters of Honors events, and they should not be alarmed by this default setting continuing to appear for a time on DegreeWorks. This will be adjusted soon after early graduation takes place and/or the conclusion of a semester’s study abroad.

Reporting Honors Events is on the "honor" system. Log into FALCONlink Search for "MUHP Honors Event Attendance Reporting" Click the box next to the event you attended and click the submit button
Honors Events - January 2025
Children of Men
Part of the 2024-2025 movie series on the theme: Men & Women
"Why the 500th Anniversary of Anabaptism Matters to Me"
Presentation with panelists
Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra
Shostakovich Celebration
"Reflections on Married Life: An Alumni Panel"
co-sponsored by HDFS Dept.
Honors Events - February 2025