Supporting Messiah during the COVID-19 crisis

A message from President Phipps

kim Phipps headshot

Many supporters of Messiah have asked how they can help us in addition to providing ongoing prayer support. There are two funds that are of particular importance right now as we seek to navigate this crisis. We are deeply grateful if you would consider making a gift at this time.

The Messiah Fund

The first is the Messiah Fund, which is an unrestricted fund used to support scholarship aid and other program priorities of the institution. The Messiah Fund ensures that we will be able to address the significant loss of revenue brought on by the pandemic, particularly related to reimbursements of room/board that will be issued to students given that we moved to online learning through the end of the semester in response to state guidelines and out of concern for their health and well-being.

The Messiah Fund

The Good Samaritan Fund

The other top priority is the Good Samaritan Fund. Launched in 2007 by the Parents' Council, the Good Samaritan Fund has helped provide financial support to many students who have need due to unexpected circumstances and/or crises in their personal lives, such as the illness or death of a parent or sibling, parent becoming unemployed, or other personal or family tragedies.

Now, more than ever, the Good Samaritan Fund will be a vital resource as we work with families to ensure their students are able to complete their Christ-centered education at Messiah University. I have assembled a team who will review requests from students on a case by case basis. Priority will be given to assist students with immediate need regarding their Spring 2020 semester bill. As we are able, we will consider requests for future semesters at a later date.

The Good Samaritan Fund

I know you share our belief that the world needs Messiah graduates who are prepared to lead and serve. Thank you foryour role in helping us fulfill our Christian educational mission. And thank you for all you are doing in your own communities to spread the love of the gospel, particularly in these uncertain times. 

Warm regards, 

Kim S. Phipps, President