Messiah University
Visual Identity guide
Downloading logos
To download or acquire official Messiah University logos or brand marks, click on the images below.
*Messiah University ID and password are required for downloading
Reproducing the university logo
The Messiah University logo is comprised of a customized icon and wordmark. As such, the University requires that the image files provided by the Office of Marketing and Communications be used to create all forms of communication where the logo is used. Any attempt to recreate the icon, type, spacing or styling of the logo by desktop publishing or word processing is not permitted because it will result in inconsistencies that will compromise the integrity of the logo.

Minimum print file size

Registered trademark

Area of isolation
Reproducing the university logo
Minimum print file size
The recommended minimum reproduction size of the Messiah University logo is 1 inch in width. Reducing the logo further compromises the integrity and the readability of the graphic.

Reproducing the university logo
Registered trademark
The Messiah University logo is a registered trademark and, as such, the art file should contain the registered trademark symbol.

Reproducing the university logo
Area of isolation
This is a buffer zone of neutral space surrounding the logo preventing visual interference from other graphic elements. This space gives the logo prominence. The area of isolation for the Messiah University logo equals the height of the M in Messiah.