School of the Arts, Culture & Society
- Art & Design - Rachael Jasitt
- Biblical, Religious & Philosophical Studies - Liz Kielley
- Business - Rachael Jasitt
- Communication - Liz Kielley
- Education - Sarah Myers
- History, Politics, and International Relations - Sarah Myers
- Human Development & Family Science - Liz Kielley
- Language, Literature & Writing - Sarah Myers
- Music - Liz Kielley
- Psychology, Criminal Justice & Sociology - Liz Kielley
- Social Work - Liz Kielley
- Theatre & Dance - Rachael Jasitt
School of Science, Engineering & Health
- Biological Sciences - Beth Transue
- Chemistry & Biochemistry - Beth Transue
- Computing, Mathematics, and Physics - Janet Vogel
- Engineering - Rachael Jasitt
- Health, Nutrition & Exercise Science - Beth Transue
- Nursing - Beth Transue
Cocurricular & External Programs
- Administration, Student Success & Engagement, Career Center, Agape Center, Campus Ministries - Sarah Myers
- Athletics - Janet Vogel
- International Programs / AEP - Beth Transue
- Engle Center - Beth Transue
- Oakes Museum - Beth Transue
- Office of Sustainability - Liz Kielley
- Business & Leadership - Rachael Jasitt
- Conducting - Liz Kielley
- Counseling - Liz Kielley
- Dietetic Internship - Beth Transue
- Education - Sarah Myers
- Higher Education - Sarah Myers
- Nursing (DNP) - Beth Transue
- Nursing (MSN) - Beth Transue
- Occupational Therapy - Beth Transue
- Physical Therapy - Beth Transue