Admissions information
Students may apply to and be directly admitted to Engineering. They will then be assigned an Engineering professor as their academic advisor and begin working through foundational level Engineering coursework. In order to ensure a trajectory towards successful graduation, students must demonstrate successful progression in the major at the end of their sophomore year by earning a C- or better in MATH 111, MATH 112, PHYS 211, PHYS 212, CHEM 105, ENGR 231, and ENGR 236 with a GPA across that set of seven courses at least 2.50. It is also at this point that students declare their Engineering discipline.
Students who are accepted to the College but not diectly into Engineering are eligible to take all first-year and sophomore level courses recommended for Engineering students, in preparation to re-apply for the Engineering major after proving successful in this coursework.
The deadline for transfer students:
First day of classes, with notification by the last day to add classes.
Notification may take longer that specified in special circumstances, such as cases where admission to the major requires the completion of a course the student is taking in the same semester that he/she is applying to the major.