Activities & Service Projects
Service ProjectsService Information
Several times during the school year, we organize trips that include activities such as trail maintenance, trail blazing, cleaning up the Yellow Breeches, or helping out nearby organizations! Every trip the Outdoors Club takes is centered on serving our community. This can be done through many ways: picking up trash along the trail or in the water, maintaining the trail, witnessing to others, and acting in a Christian manner. We want to influence others on environmental ethics and why we should take care of God’s creation. The Appalachian Mountain Club’s page on conservation. Here you can learn how to conserve our wilderness areas! Messiah University Agapé Center The Agapé Center links students, faculty, and the community in their common interests of learning and serving. Students “learn to serve and serve to learn.” Faculty use service activities to enrich courses through the interaction of “real life” experience with academic reflection and theory. Community agencies use student volunteers to strengthen their programs and expand their services! |
Other ActivitiesOther Activities Information
Pretty much any activity that you want us to run, we will try our best to plan it as long as Messiah’s insurance policy does not create conflicts. Some other trips we offer include: • Ice Skating • Horseback Riding • Whitewater Rafting • Sky Zone • Roll Sessions • Aerial Tour • Camping • Mountain Biking • Belay Training • Paintball • Messiah University High Ropes • Hike & Hammock • Tubing down the Breeches • Skiing |
DestinationsTwin PondsTwin Ponds is where we have our ice skating trips! It has two spaces, East Pond and West Pond, and provides for a great time during the cold weather. Youghiogheny RiverThis is where we typically take our rafters for an awesome experience! We raft on Lower Youghiogheny River which is Class III and IV white water. You can also kayak, fish, and rent bikes for exploring the trails! RoundtopRoundtop is a great place for not only skiing but zip lining as well! There are 18 zip lines for all ability and thrill levels. The Vertical Trek is their most comprehensive zip line experience with 10 zip lines up to 400 feet long and 40 feet high! |