View our Facilities
Interview rooms located on the third floor of Boyer enable students to conduct and record mock interviews for Counseling Techniques class, perform independent research and make systematic, unobtrusive observations.
Additionally, research with rats, conducted by our biopsychologist, occurs in lab rooms in Kline Science Building.

Boyer Hall
Boyer Hall is a 98,000-square-foot academic facility which contains 25 state-of-the-art classrooms, three computer labs and a language lab. Parmer Cinema, a full-scale movie theatre seating 129 people, highlights this building. In addition, Boyer Hall houses the college's School of Business, Education and Social Sciences, the School of the Humanities and The Boyer Center. Boyer Hall and The Boyer Center are dedicated to one of Messiah's most influential alumni and scholars, Ernie Boyer.

Interview rooms
3rd floor of Boyer
Computer lab
Computer labs are equipped with computers and software for designing and implementing online surveys, completing sophisticated statistical analysis and designing creative audio-visual presentations.

Career Center
The department partners closely with the Career and Professional Development Center to provide students with excellent professional development opportunities.
Resource room
Faculty offices, administrative support, and a Social Science Resource Room, are located within Boyer Hall. Students are able to study, hold small meetings, and talk with faculty in a centralized location.