Town Hall

Town Hall

  • Date: February 19th, 2023
  • Location: Admissions & Welcome Center - Room 310
  • Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
  • Cost: FREE

This Monday's senate meeting will feature the Office of Academic Accessibility, Minds Matter, and the Banquet Initiative as guest speakers. In a panel-style discussion, these guests will be available to answer questions from the student body and present any beneficial information. There will also be a presentation from the Interim Provost about the Middle States before the panel discussion.

This event is open to all students who want to know more about campus accessibility and social inclusion. A town hall is an event where students can congregate and get to learn more about both SGA and topics of interest/concern. This particular town hall is focused on the different areas of accessibility. Please contact, If you have any questions.

Town hall with oaa minds matter banquet initiative