The excusions executive strives to find fun and interesting trips that the student body would enjoy. This position has been created to give Messiah students a chance to get off campus on a trip that is already planned and paid for.
From Broadway to Baltimore, SAB Excursions provides tickets and transportation to a variety of events off-campus. We give students opportunities to engage with various forms of culture, in accordance with SAB's mission.
Here is a list of some excursions SAB has provided in the past:
City trips to Harrisburg, Baltimore, Philadelphia, NYC, and Washington D.C.
Broadway productions (in NYC) including The Lion King, Once, Wicked, and Les Miserables
Art tour of Harrisburg
Apple Picking
Roller Blading
Trip to Sight and Sound in Lancaster, PA
Trip to see a Hershey Bears Hockey Game
And many more!
Excursions Executive