Honors Program Curriculum
Our curriculum is composed of three general education honors courses and a culminating honors experience.
First year:
• Fall semester: IDFY 102H First Year Seminar (honors section)
• Spring semester: HONR 200: Pursuing the Good Life (distinct honors course)
Sophomore or Junior year:
• One honors Intercultural course, US or Global (honors section)
Junior or Senior year:
- Culminating Honors Experience, which can be met in one of the following ways:
1. MUHP Honors Project (HONR 498/499)
A substantial research or creative project pursued under the guidance of a faculty advisor over 2 consecutive semesters for a total of 4-6 credits.
2. Department Honors Project (_____ 498/499)
A substantial research or creative project pursued under the guidance of a faculty advisor over 2 consecutive semesters for a total of 4-6 credits. Available to students in academic departments that offer Department Honors.
3. Departmental Project
In some departments (e.g. ENGR, CIS, PHYS, SCIE, BIOL/CHEM), 2 senior level courses taken for a total of 4-6 credits have been designated as fulfilling the culminating honors experience requirement.
4. MUHP Honors Culminating Seminar (HONR 497)
This interdisciplinary seminar engages students in intensive reading and discussion and culminates in a substantive, student-driven writing project. 1 semester, 3 credits