Upload a document to the downloads module

Uploading a Word doc or PDF

Update -

Uploading a PDF or Word doc to your website has just gotten easier with a new module in Jadu.  Instead of uploading to the W drive, remembering the path, testing the link, and going BACK into Jadu to add your link to your page, you can simply upload your files directly to Jadu "Downloads" module where a link will be created for you and all you have to do is paste it into your page!  

With the "Downloads" module, you can create a 'directory' on Jadu to group similar files together so you can find them easily when you need to.  

Web services is working to migrate all your current files that located on the W drive to the module seamlessly for you. 

To upload and link to a PDF in Jadu you can use the Downloads module under the Publishing option.  Please watch the video below to see how it's done.  If you don't see the Downloads option in your Publishing dropdown, please contact

View the step by step guide