Information Technology Services (ITS) provides the following for our Faculty and Staff:
Becoming part of Messiah's Online Community...
Messiah's campus wide portal is called "FalconLink". You can access email, the Intercom (the college's weekly blog "newsletter"), training opportunities, schedule of activities on campus, etc. Consider FalconLink as your "town square" for the Messiah community. Within FalconLink you can also access the campus wide administrative system named "Banner".
When you encounter a computer problem...
Contact ETS Technology Support by calling x4444 or by emailing to create a Service Request Ticket. ETS Technology Support is your primary contact for help with software or network related questions, printing problems, network problems, computer problems, etc. If you have any questions or computing problems, contact ETS Technology Support FIRST.
When you need a way to communicate electronically...
Microsoft Outlook is at the core of Messiah's electronic communications. Outlook offers e-mail, calendar, task lists and more. If you do not have access to the Outlook client software (part of the Microsoft Office Suite), you can access your account via any web browser at Use your full Messiah University email address and network password to login to your account. Official communication between faculty and students should be done using Messiah's Outlook email system. IMPORTANT NOTE: FERPA laws require that a student's privacy be maintained and protected. By keeping communications on our own email system (and not sending it to email systems outside our jurisdiction), we can meet the requirements.
When you need a place to safely store your electronic files, documents, etc...
Faculty/Staff are strongly urged to store their data files (word processing documents, spreadsheet files, multimedia presentations, Internet bookmarks, etc.) in the appropriate network storage space; O: for personal data, M: for data to be available for sharing within your department. Saving your files to these network storage locations has several benefits, including regular backup of your data by our Networking staff and availability via your network credentials from any networked computer should you need quick access from a computer other than the one you have been assigned. Please check here for more information.
When you need to connect your laptop, iDevice or Smart Phone to our network...
ITS provides configuration information for connecting your mobile device(s) to our network (you will need to provide your network credentials). Click here for more information on connecting your device.
IT Security and Policies you need to know...
In a computerized setting, there are times you will be dealing with sensitive data. It is important that you know IT Security and Policy during your time at Messiah University. You can view our policies here.
Educational Technology Services (ETS)
The mission of Educational Technology Services is to:
- Provide technology support and consulting services
- Enable the discovery, exploration and implementation of emerging technologies
- Support learning processes
- Streamline project management
Educational Technology Services (ETS) provides Messiah University faculty, employees, and students with consulting, innovative and support services related to many technologies and media production. Technology sessions are offered on an ongoing basis and include instruction on the learning management system (LMS), Google applications, and video production. In addition, ETS provides faculty members with copyright clearance services and testing scoring services. Come share, innovate and consult in our Boyer 222 Innovation Zone.
ETS Technology Support
Messiah University's Technology Support is located on the first floor of Old Main. Our experienced technicians provide support for faculty and staff technology issues:
- Office/Classroom support
- Telephone Support at 717-796-4444 (Ext. 4444)
- Remote Assistance (direct connection to your computer on campus)
- Email Support