Frey Hall
Frey Hall is the departmental home and central hub for the School of Science, Engineering and Health programs in computing, engineering, mathematics/statistics, and physics and the Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. The building was constructed in 1991, with a significant expansion that opened in 2015 and includes lab, project, and classroom space for the engineering program. The 85,000 square feet in Frey Hall also houses the departments of Business and Visual Arts, and Frey Hall is the center of the campus network infrastructure.
Frey Hall gives students and faculty access to comfortable, well-equipped, state-of-the-art classrooms, laboratories, a lecture hall, flexible project space for Collaboratory groups, and multiple informal areas with tables and chairs for individual and group study between and after classes. Students will find sophisticated laboratory and workshop areas with professional software and hardware, a computing 'sandbox' for experimental work, engineering design and analysis tools, and a physics research lab, all professionally staffed.
A new addition to Frey Hall is The Ralph S. Larsen Finance Lab which contains 26 computer workstations with dual monitors and instructor podium; 10 Bloomberg Professional terminals; three large-screen televisions showing CNBC, Bloomberg and other financial markets media; and a stock ticker continuously displaying market information.

Jordan Science Center and Kline Hall of Science
The Jordan Science Center and connected Kline Hall of Science house the Departments of Biological Sciences, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Nursing, and Nutrition & Dietetics. The Department of Health, Nutrition & Exercise Science offers modern teaching laboratories and research-quality technology and equipment. The main lobby holds The Oakes Museum of Natural History, featuring world-class quality mounts of African and North American mammals and the largest oological (eggs) collection in Pennsylvania. Messiah students and thousands of school and community visitors each year learn about and enjoy the natural world through Oakes Museum exhibits and programming.
Kline/Jordan includes general biology and chemistry labs, and specialized labs for nutrition science, dissection, molecular biology, physiology, environmental science, human performance, and a greenhouse. The Department of Nursing maintains state-of-the-art labs for patient simulation, maternal-child, psychiatric-mental health, basic skills, and physical assessment.
Study rooms and lounges provide department-specific literature and space for students to work between classes. Students gain firsthand research experience using scanning and transmission electron microscopes, an HPLC, NMR, and other sophisticated equipment. Each summer, natural science students who are competitively awarded Steinbrecher grants conduct research alongside faculty mentors, receiving campus room and board and a summer stipend.
With woodlands, fields, and the well-known Yellow Breeches Creek, our beautiful 300-acre campus also serves as a laboratory for studies in the natural sciences. These settings provide further opportunities for students and faculty to conduct on-site research projects.
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Sollenberger Sports Center and Starry Athletic Complex
The Sollenberger Sports Center provides Messiah College with exceptional recreational and intercollegiate athletic facilities. Completed in 1985, this 90,000 square foot complex houses three racquetball courts, a large arena with four basketball courts, an indoor track and fitness center, a natatorium including an eight-lane swimming pool, classrooms, locker rooms, and wrestling and gymnastics areas.