100% of the Class of 2023 Communication respondents were employed or in graduate school within 6-9 months of graduation.
Check out what our grads are up to
Our graduates have high job placements and acceptance to graduate school rates! We're proud of all they accomplish as they live out the mission of Messiah University in their workplaces, communities and families. Here is just a small sampling of jobs placements and graduate schools for recent graduates.
filter listing
Where they work
- 88.5 FM
- ABC-27
- Avtiv Productions
- Elle Magazine
- Fox 29
- Lewistown Sentinel
- McGraw-Hill Companies
- Media Link
- PBS Religion & Ethics Weekly
- Patriot-News
- Radio Wall Street
- Runners World Magazine
- Southern Maryland Newspapers
- Time Warner Cable News
What they do
- Associate editor
- Chief meteorologist
- Copy editor
- County reporter
- Editorial researcher
- Managing editor
- Media specialist
- Producer
- Production assistant
- Promotions director/Morning show host
- Reporter/Web producer
- Social media editor
- Sports desk writer
- Sports reporter
- TV Writer/Editor
- Video journalist
- Videographer
Graduate school
- Baylor University
- Harvard Law School
- Kent State University
- North Carolina State University
- Northwestern University
- Penn State University
- Purdue University
- Temple University
- University of Maryland
- University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
- University of Pennsylvania
- Villanova University
