Student Leadership Agreement
As an RA, you have the incredible opportunity to participate in the Student Leadership Institute. Since this opportunity brings with it a high level of responsibility, as well as ongoing professional development, RAs are not permitted to take on any additional Tier I student leadership roles.
Important dates of ongoing all-student leader trainings for the 2024-2025 academic year include:
- May 9: Kick-off gathering of all 2024-2025 leaders
- August 18-19: Leadership retreat
- August 23: Assist with New Student Move-In Day
- April 2025: End-of-year Leadership Celebration Event
If offered a position within residence life, I recognize that I would be agreeing to pursue the standards and outcomes outlined below.
General Student Leader Standards:
- Maintain eligibility for leadership by meeting academic and chapel attendance requirements.Important note: Academic, chapel, or disciplinary probation typically results in loss of leadership position.
- Uphold Messiah University behavioral standards and guidelines as outlined in the Community Covenant and Student Handbook.
- Follow through on all commitments and requirements of the position and maintain satisfactory performance.
- Serve as an ambassador of Messiah University, embodying Christian ethics both on- and off-campus.
- Compassionately confront inappropriate attitudes and behaviors of others.
- Maintain confidentiality as it relates to privileged, confidential, or sensitive information.
- Accept responsibility for choices, behaviors, and actions.
- Maintain balance and perspective by saying "no" to things that cannot be completed.
General Student Leader Outcomes
Christian Character
Servanthood: Students will be humble in their use of authority and power, and will attend to the needs of their followers.
Integrity: Students will practice honesty with themselves and others, resulting in behavior that is consistent with Christian values.
Teachable Spirit: Students will commit to their ongoing transformation, demonstrating an increasing amount of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. They will admit mistakes and shortcomings, knowing that authenticity and transparency is part of the growth process.
Valuing all People: Students will treat all people with dignity and respect, valuing the diversity of each person, and work for social justice, equity and equality in organizations and interpersonal relationships.
The Call to Lead: Students will understand leadership as benevolent, mission-minded, purposeful influence, and that God calls all Christians to lead as Christ led.
Self-Awareness & Spiritual Formation: Students will be aware of the values, emotions, attitudes, and beliefs that motivate them to take action and will consciously work toward aligning these elements with a Christ-centered perspective.
Vision Casting: Students will articulate a vision for the future that is rooted in an understanding of their gifts, talents, and abilities and a calling to influence others.
Communication: Students will actively listen to others and communicate effectively.
Collaboration: Students will work with others in a common effort, building cohesive teams that strive to accomplish the group's goals through shared responsibility, authority, and accountability.
Interpersonal Skills: Students will treat others and themselves with respect and will effectively resolve conflicts with civility recognizing that controversy often leads to new, creative solutions to problems.
Time Management: Students will effectively manage their time and delegate tasks to others.
Goal Setting: Students will set clear and measurable goals and take appropriate actions necessary to reach stated goals.
Decision-Making: Students will be effective decision-makers through defining problems, developing alternatives implementing solutions and assessing outcomes.
Intercultural Competence: Students will be aware of how their culture shapes their understanding of themselves, other people, their immediate context, the world, and will have knowledge of different cultural practices and will demonstrate genuine and constructive engagement in cross-cultural contexts.
I understand that I would be agreeing to the general student leadership terms stated above as well as specific expectations for my leadership role, I understand that all violations of these terms, as well as specific expectations tied to my role, will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Possible outcomes may include probation or termination of serving in a leadership role. In addition, I understand that certain violations carry with them specific discipline processes that are outlined in the Student Handbook.
Expectations of Tier 1 Leaders
Formal student leadership roles at Messiah University fall under one of two tiers:
a. The position has significant levels of responsibility, high expectations and autonomy, management over projects and people, and far-reaching peer influence, and/or...
b. The advisor has designed the position in a way that integrates a deeper level of leadership development that relates to but transcends their role.
c. The Experiential Learning Initiative (ELI) framework is embedded into the experience.
Tier 1 leadership positions, in addition to the development afforded through the role, are part of a cohort of campus leaders who commit to a year-long leadership development curriculum. The curriculum involves both required large group student leader gatherings throughout the year as well as a minimum of self-selected sessions. Successful completion results in a leadership certificate. It is the responsibility of the advisor to hold students accountable for participation and provide associated mentoring. Because of the nature and demand of Tier 1 positions, students are not permitted to hold more than one Tier 1 position at a time. A petition for exception can be submitted to the advisor.
A position is categorized as Tier 2 because:
a. The position receives intensive training, skill development and supervision by an educator in order to deliver education and/or services to peers and the campus community.
b. Additional leadership development beyond training for the role itself is at the discretion of the advisor and student.
c. The position is able to embed the Experiential Learning Initiative (ELI) framework if a student desires to fulfill their ELI reqirement through the experience.
d. Students will have access to leadership development opportunities and a leadership certificate if they choose, but it is not a requirement of
the role.
Specific Requirements of Tier 1 Leaders
By saying "yes" to an offer to serve in a Tier 1 leadership role, you are simultaneously committing to being stretched in your personal leadership journey through a series of common and individualized leadership trainings. With support and mentoring from your leadership advisor, you will learn and practice critical behaviors and mindsets that equip you for effective leadership now and in future life contexts.
In addition to common leader gatherings, Tier 1 leaders will also participate in a minimum of three leadership modules. More information on the Student Leadership Institute will be provided in May and August.
Please Note:
Academic, Chapel, or Disciplinary Probation typically results in loss of leadership position.