Job Duties

RA Accountability Grid

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The RA Role is a significant student leadership position in which Christ-like role modeling, integrity, and follow through are of utmost importance. If an RA fails to fulfill their responsibilities, or abide by the code of conduct, and/or give as much attention as the position requires, accountability measures are put in place.  The following outlines these measures:

Tier One

Failure to fulfill all or some weekly responsibilities as outlined in the job description.  For example, repeatedly arriving late to staff meetings, one on ones, events, or on clock/walk, not completing administrative tasks on time, etc.


Committing Level I violations as outlined in the Student Handbook.


First response:

The RD gives a verbal warning to the RA and keeps track of this verbal warning.


Second response:

The RD gives a formal verbal and written Student Employee Disciplinary Notification warning to the RA with specific actions that must be adhered to going forward. The Director of Residence Life and Director of Student Employment are also given a copy immediately upon completion.


Third response:

The student conduct process may be initiated and/or the Director of Residence Life will initiate a meeting with the RA to discuss conditions for continued employment or removal of the RA.** (*)


Tier Two

Forgetting to be on clock/walk or forgetting to attend a required event.  This is not an intentional action.


First response:

The RD gives a written emailed warning to the RA after having met in person to discuss, with specific actions that must be adhered to going forward.  Additionally, those hours are required to be made up or given back to the team (taking an extra on clock/walk shift, cleaning up from an event, etc.).  The Director of Residence Life is also notified during an RDs one on one.


Second response:

The RD gives a verbal and written Student Employee Disciplinary Notification warning to the RA with specific actions that must be adhered to going forward.  Additionally, those hours are required to be made up or given back to the team (taking an extra on clock/walk shift, cleaning up from an event, etc.).  The Director of Residence Life and Director of Student Employment are also given a copy immediately upon completion.


Third response:

The student conduct process may be initiated and/or the Director of Residence Life will initiate a meeting with the RA to discuss conditions for continued employment or removal of the RA.** (*)


Tier Three

Willfully choosing to not adhere to a job responsibility as outlined in the job description.  For example, not showing up for on clock/walk or for an event or one on one, choosing to not confront a policy violation or bring something to the attention of the College, or not completing administrative tasks.


First response:

The RD gives a written Student Employee Disciplinary Notification warning to the RA with specific actions that must be adhered to going forward. A copy is shared with the Director of Residence Life Director of Student Employment immediately upon completion.


Second response:

The student conduct process may be initiated and/or the Director of Residence Life will initiate a meeting with the RA to discuss conditions for continued employment or removal of the RA.** (*)


Tier Four

Committing Level II violations as outlined in the Student Handbook.


Failure to model good leadership by not abiding by the Code of Conduct and/or pursuing community ideals embodied in the Community Covenant.


Not confronting a serious policy violation, not reporting policy violations within the appropriate period of time, or not adhering to accountability measures put in place due to tier one, tier two, or tier three concerns.


An incident report will be completed.  The RA will go through the student conduct process.


An additional meeting with the Director of Residence Life will be scheduled to discuss conditions for continued employment or removal of the RA.** (*)








Tier Five

Committing a Level III violation as outlined in the Student Handbook.


Endangering Students or Disregarding Safety for Students (including hazing).


An incident report will be completed.  The RA will go through the student conduct process.


The RA will meet with the Director of Residence Life regarding removal from position. (*)



(*)The follow up performance letter will be shared with the Director of Student Employment as well.

**If the RA is allowed to continue in their role, they would be doing so under performance probation, which could include corrective action and accountability measures such as: disciplinary requirements, an apology to staff and/or residents, additional job responsibilities (for example: more nights on clock, additional building tasks, programming, etc.).  The follow up correspondence to these meetings will be shared with the Director of Student Employment as well.