What is the Messiah Council on Family Relations (MCFR)?
MCFR stands for Messiah Council on Family Relations, is a student affiliate council of the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR), and is a nationally recognized student professional organization dedicated to service, professional development and social networking. MCFR is recognized by Messiah University’s Student Government Association as an official college organization and receives the privileges as such. For more information you can contact us at mcfr@messiah.edu
MCFR is run by an executive board which is comprised of eleven student officers elected each spring by their peers to fulfill specific positions throughout the following academic year. Dr. Raeann Hamon serves as the Faculty Advisor to MCFR.
What are the Officer Positions?
Social Media Director/Photographer
Social Outreach Coordinator
Service Coordinator
Fundraising Coordinator
Events Coordinator
Family and Consumer Science Representative
Follow us on Instagram @messiahmcfr
What are the goals of MCFR?
- To serve and strengthen individuals and families, primarily through conducting at least one service project per semester.
- To provide an arena where students can share and explore their career interests, goals, and options.
- To encourage student members to incorporate the Christian faith into their study of and practice with families.
- To recognize the value of affiliating with professional organizations in order to further enhance career skills.
- To interact with Human Development and Family Science graduates in order to learn from their experiences and gain their insights.
- To sponsor at least one social event per semester where students and faculty can interact with one another.
What Kinds of Things Does MCFR Do?
MCFR is an active student organization that strives to provide unique opportunities for the students in the Department. Be sure to check the Department’s Events Calendar for specific events. Generally, some of their annual activities include:
- Planning student/faculty social gatherings
- Organizing various fundraisers to offset conference expenses
- Spearheading student attendance at the national conference (NCFR)
- Volunteering at the regional conference (Mid-Atlantic Council on Family Relations)
- Co-sponsoring career panel conversations with Department alumni
- Participating in Service Day
How Can I Join MCFR?
All Messiah University Human Development and Family Science and Family and Consumer Sciences Education majors, minors, and faculty are automatically members of MCFR. Students from other majors on campus are also welcome to join. There is no official application form or membership fee. All are encouraged to attend as many MCFR events as possible.
What is NCFR?
National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) is the parent organization to MCFR. NCFR is an international organization founded in 1938 to provide a forum for family professionals to plan and act together on concerns relevant to families. NCFR provides many opportunities and resources for family scientists, for students and new professionals in family science-related majors, and for community family life educators and counselors. You can learn more about NCFR from their website.