Education with Dual Certification PreK-4 and Special Education PreK-12 PreKandSpecialEd 1.jpg

Education with Dual Certification PreK-4 and Special Education PreK-12

Education with Dual Certification PreK-4 and Special Education PreK-12

Education with Dual Certification PreK-4 and Special Education PreK-12 at Messiah University

If you are preparing to teach children in special education, or children with disabilities in regular education, or want to work with individuals with disabilities in settings other than schools, Messiah University offers options to pursue these interests.

Messiah University’s Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in education degree with Dual Teaching Certification in Early Childhood (Pre-K through 4th grades) and Special Education (Pre-K through 12th grades) is best for those who want to teach children with disabilities in either regular education or special education settings. You’ll have increased opportunities for employment in regular or special education.

As an early childhood and special education major at Messiah University, you’ll be able to:

  • Integrate sociocultural and developmental understanding toward high expectations for learners with disabilities.
  • Design evidence-based supports and interventions to promote social, emotional, and behavioral well-being.
  • Use multiple methods of assessment in making educational decisions.
  • Implement evidence-based interventions and adaptations to advance learning.
  • Integrate faith, identity and vocational calling with standards of ethical practice.
  • Collaborate to serve and seek justice for learners with disabilities.
  • Integrate expertise in early childhood instruction with expertise in special education interventions.
  • Create a professional portfolio for potential employers.
  • Study abroad to compare education in other cultures.
  • Elect to do a department Honors project.
  • Start in the classroom your sophomore year, observing suburban, urban and rural teaching settings. By your junior year, you will be out full days to teach!

As a graduate of the early childhood and special education program, you will be equipped to secure positions such as:

  • Teaching regular education Pre-K through middle grades with expertise in children with disabilities
  • Teaching special education with expertise in regular education curriculum
  • Education policy, administration or education leadership

For more information on career planning for the early childhood and special education program, visit the Messiah University Career and Professional Development Center

Messiah helps place students in extensive field experiences beginning in sophomore year, including

  • Local public school class observations
  • Junior-level field experience in regular education classrooms designing and implementing instructional plans
  • Senior-year student teaching experience in special education
  • Senior-year clinically supervised internship in specialized classrooms for students with significant physical, intellectual, social and behavioral difficulties
  • Option to complete part of student teaching internationally


Our Prek-4/special education program

The dual certification will allow you to complete certification requirements for both Pre K-4 and special education. Completion of your dual teaching certification requirements in Pre-K and special education qualifies you to work in a regular educational setting in Pre K-4 or as a special education teacher in preschools, elementary schools and middle schools. If you have a passion for teaching a broad age range of students with diverse learning needs, this major may be for you.


This major will provide you with the knowledge and skills to meet the needs of all your learners. Through the core curriculum, you will acquire a foundation for effective thinking, systematic planning, decision making and differentiating instruction in the classroom.

Special education

The special education program builds in-depth perspectives on learners with special needs, and skills in behavioral intervention strategies, assessment, and individualized academic intervention strategies. For authentic experiences across the range of disabilities and settings, many assignments serve specific schools, students and organizations.

Proven success

Graduates from our special education are highly competitive candidates for employment. School administrators who interview and hire our graduates give consistently positive feedback about the instructional design skills of our students.

View data of Messiah’s consistent 100% employment rate here.


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Students in the early childhood and special education program take a selection of courses that successfully prepare them for a career in a related field.
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