Multicultural Students

FAQs - Multicultural Students

Recruitment of multicultural and international students is an expressed priority at Messiah where we strive to bring together students from a variety of racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds who reflect the variety and richness within God’s kingdom. Currently, students from under-represented racial/ethnic cultural populations comprise about 20% of Messiah University's approximately 2,600 undergraduate students. In addition to U.S. students from a variety of racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds, Messiah also welcomes students from nearly 21 different countries.

At Messiah we talk a lot about the importance of community, and we practice it by modeling genuine hospitality and service to each other and to those outside our campus community. Do we each get it perfect every time? No. But, our shared Christian faith and commitment to value each other as children of God compels us to extend and accept forgiveness as necessary and to continuously learn from each other, welcoming the richness of living and learning in a campus community where a vital, intercultural educational experience is embraced. Learn more about Messiah's approach to reconciliation in this brief video

Absolutely! Messiah’s Intercultural Office—specifically our multicultural programs—provides educational programs, services and resources that promote racially, ethnically, culturally and globally diverse, safe and transformative learning environments for all members of the college community. Multicultural students can plug into a variety of leadership and mentoring opportunities, student organizations and cultural and heritage celebrations.  Multicultural Office website.

Yes! The Lloyd and Lois Martin Multicultural Scholarship is a full or partial tuition award for students who exhibit strong scholarship, service, ministry or leadership in their school, church or community and who have demonstrated a commitment to promoting racial and ethnic diversity and reconciliation. The Rachel Helen Flowers Scholarship is a partial tuition award also offered to students who exhibit strong scholarship, service, ministry or leadership in their school, church or community and who have demonstrated a commitment to promoting racial and ethnic diversity and reconciliation. Once on campus, Scholars benefit from special programming, mentoring relationships and campus leadership opportunities. Multicultural Scholarships website.