Special Interest Houses

Bertram House

Link to Bertram House application

Bertram House


Mission Statement:

Link To create an environment that enriches understanding and recognition of diversity, forms lasting relationships, and establishes a strong community that is committed to improving acceptance of the dignity and worth of all individuals while providing a safe, supportive, and welcoming environment for multicultural students. Cultural diversity is an unavoidable and beneficial aspect to human life. We promise to advocate, educate, represent, and love all students of color by providing an environment where people from all backgrounds can come together as one and learn to appreciate the remarkable differences God placed upon us and help to enhance one another's life.

Goals and Learning Objectives:

Bertram House's theme is contingent on applicant's interest. Applicants will specify their special interest in the Bertram House application. In recent years, the house has been The Mindfulness House and The Writer's House.


Bertram House's theme is contingent on applicant's interest. Applicants will specify their special interest in the Bertram House application. In recent years, the house has been The Mindfulness House and The Writer's House.

House Advisor: Amy Nicols